Sunday, February 15, 2009

Happy Valentines Day

Rog was gone to Oregon/Washington last week on a business trip. He got back into town Thursday so I took that day off of work and drove to the airport to pick him up. He got in early enough, this trip that we were able to head into SLC for dinner. Of course we went to Rodizo's. If you have not eaten there it is in Trolley Square and you really should try it out, they have the best food and a drink called Brazilian Lemonade (it is lime and it is the best). Anyone out there know how to make it I would love for you to share the recipe with me.

While he was gone we had one of the big snow storms that we have had this past couple of weeks. When I left for work the morning after the storm our poor little tree out front looked like it was done for. I took a picture to show Rogers. I was for sure we were going to have to purchase another tree this spring, but after the snow melted it seems to be ok.

Yesterday was Valentines day. Rogers sent me flowers at work they are so pretty red and white and pink. This husband of mine knows me so well. I love flowers. Since he was gone all week I asked him if he would plan a romantic date for us. Of course he did, and it was wonderful. He made me this huge bubble bath with candles and music, locked the dog out and gave me some time just to myself to relax. While I was doing that he was making a candle light dinner. It turned out wonderful. He made BBQ ribs with rice and a veggie. When we got done eating I asked him if he wanted to dance with me. As those of you who know me well. I don't dance, maybe the word is I can't dance. Anyway we turned on some music and danced around the kitchen. Then he took me to the movie and bought me popcorn and a drink.

Do you like our fancy candle sticks?

I love that my new camera takes nice pictures (even of candle light)

Oh yes and don't forget even Buddee got a rib bone for Valentines Day.

Rog~Thanks for making Valentines Day all about me. I love you very much.


Anonymous said...

Hi Richardson's! Hope you don't mind, I found your blog from Charee's (I think). I've been blog stalking too much lately I can't remember who I got yours from. Anyway, I love your little romantic evening for Valentine's Day, how sweet of Rogers!! Glad you guys are doing well.
We have private blog, you can email me at and I'll send ya an invite :D
Jen Kangas

Nyman's said...

glad you had a good valentine day, you deserve it all!!

Charee B Mcclellan said...

ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, i just love all of the sapppy loveyy dovey stuff! i love the candle sticks and i love the bath idea! WAY TO GO ROGERS! you guys are just way toooooo cute!

Kyle and Edie said...

Hi Kandi! This is Edie (Edith - that works with Rogers).

As always, your blog is beautiful! Thank you for visiting and commenting on my blog. You were one of the inspirations. :)

It sounds like Rogers did well for Valentine's Day. It is obvious that he adores you.

I found a recipe for Brazillian Lemonade online at Here is the link:

Can't wait to see you in La Jolla next month!

Have a great week! E

kkerig said...

Thanks Sweetie! I love you very much and glad you had a good Vday.

Angie said...

Sounds like you had a great time. What an awesome husband to think only of you! I'm glad you had a great Valentines day!