Sunday, October 19, 2008

The Great Pumpkin

Rogers and I have tried to start some traditions in our home and one of them is carving pumpkins. You know that fall is here when you begin cleaning out the flower beds, and looking for the perfect pumpkin.

We went to Willard and each picked out our favorite pumpkin from the many different shapes, sizes and colors.

Rogers claimed that he picked the best carving pumpkin, Deven said that he picked one that had an odd shape and of course I picked one with a cool stem.

Dr Jekyll

Mr. Hyde

Deven pumpkin was so tall he had the insides clear up to his arm pitOf course we have to have the "I gonna eat the goo" picture

And the carving begins

The great works of art


Charee B Mcclellan said...

love the pumpkins, but what i am wondering about is the little ones in the back ground on the last pic. (they are on the porch) where in the world did you get those legs and arms and cute. i really need to get some of those.

Nyman's said...

I love the tradition, I need to start a few of my own. The art work is splendid. Throwing lots of love your way from your sista!!